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I am pleased to see that you are visiting my Homepage, please take your time to look around and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments.

In short I am a Industrial Designer from Luxembourg, and I thought you could be interested in some projects I made so far.

Here you will find all kinds of information, some of my projects, what I do and like.

This site should be, to some extent, my portfolio, to show what I can do professionally, as far as I am allowed to show it here, an also show some of ma other interests and hobbies.


24.12.2018 Passed my MIT Xpro course on Additive Manufacturing for Innovative Design and Production with 97%

24.12.2015 My Playable Tetris T-shirt is now in the Guinness Book of World Records 2016 as first playable Tshirt (in the Gamers Edition)

3.07.2014My Playable Tetris T-shirt the video goes viral. :)

The Black Hole chrome/mirror Android Mask her is how to make your own.

9.03.12 Finally generated worldmap with all land below sealevel from SRTM30 data land and seas below sea level in red: 13mb

9.03.12 Generated worldmap from SRTM30 data showing land up to +70m which would be flooded if all ice in the world melted.land flooded up to +70m: 7mb

5.02.12 Just launched my first Indiegogo funding project, a Iphone ballooning app : Fund my Indiegogo project

27.12.11 Instructions how to make your own "the Black Hole" Humanoids chrome mirror mask like in the 2 Oscar nominated Disney Sci-fi film from 1979 Pictures and instructions

14.01.11 Won 1st prize in online lamp design contest from Solidsmack and i.materialise: link You can buy one here: shop. Here a some pictures: pdf

1.05.10 Was awarded RedDot Design Award , best of the best 2010 in Medical category View the flyer here the official photos. made by me

24.05.09 Added my blog with various ideas to share.

24.05.09 Photo gallery of 1ere LMRL conveniat 2008

28.12.08 Just got my cat Pixel

14.02.08 Site is completely reprogrammed, database driven now, and some reviewing. please excuse any problems and broken links I'm working on it

27.12.07 Small corrections, new photos, fixed links, new jewelry photos

23.07.04 Small update, added Blimps in Luxembourg

29.12.03 Updated pictures and jewelry section,added corvette

15.01.03 Got hired at the Rotarex in Lintgen as a Designer,I make catalogs, 3D animation films (3dsmax), Photography, Internet, Magazine adds, Filming and cutting, all types of multimedia presentations, very little product design though.

02.01.02 I am working as a product designer at Rotarex Rapid Development in Echternach/Luxembourg.

29.09.01 I added Lumovest and Musys pages.

05.09.01 Just got my prize from the Koizumi competition